It was Chant's birthday recently, and we celebrated at Aunties thai restaurant. Seems to becoming a bit of a tradition. That dish on the cast iron plate in the foreground above is a "weeping tiger". It arrives on your table hissing and sizzling... top notch nosh.
Al and his Thai friend.
Al recently purchased some rugby balls which we took to the village field for initiation.
Me thinks this looks more like ballet than rugby. This may be the first record of "bugby". Sure it'll catch on.
The highlight of late was a bank holiday weekend at a regional conference for the local New Frontiers churches, held at Shuttleworth, an old manor estate. Over 1000 of us camped on the grounds.
The old manor house (now used as an agricultural college).
The marque where we has our meetings. Some great teaching, mostly from a guy called PJ Smyth from JHB.
Putting up the tents. Campers do not escape the Health and Safety regulations. All tents have to be minimum 3m from their neighbour (as designated by the red pegs above) and all tents have to have a bucket of water outside in case of fire.
Dan introduced me to a Speckled Hen (an Ale (a flat beer)). It's actually not too bad.
Our enviro team at work took a days "green leave" recently and went to help cut reeds in an overgrown wetland at the local nature reserve. The manual labour was good...
... the smell of bush fire was better.
Clearing a wattle stump from the reedbed.
Finally, G and I took a drive up to the north Norfolk coast a few Saturdays ago, and stumbled on a tiny town called..... Pidley.
Interesting coastline... the silted coastline means at low tide the sea is about 300m from the beach!