Here are some highlights from the last few weeks....
We went up with Al and Chants to Edinburgh, to a one day Christian music festival called Frenzy. Brilliant!!
Jedburgh, as always, was beaut, although there is something magical about it in winter.
Took this one on our Christmas trip.
We learnt an interesting lesson regarding fast food in Scotland. Be careful asking for a Hamburger in small town takeaways. I did at Jedburgh, and the gent proceeded to batter and deep fry a patty and plop it on top of my chips. I enquired, just to make sure he had heard me correctly... and was told: "Umbuggas, that's hoo wee doo em". Who was I to argue. Healthy stuff!
We stayed with Gerry and Joana who once again hosted us brilliantly and made us feel at home.
while Lamby showed us how to use the local foefie slide.

We did a tour of Edinburgh castle on our first full day there. Views were beaut.... the Firth of Fourth (the river) in the background and the "1 o'clock gun" on the left.
Gaylene standing on the castle esplanade where the Edinburgh tattoo is held. Guys were busy erecting the massive grand stands.

We did a tour of the "closes".. narrow little streets in the old part of Edinburgh. Some of these have been built over, creating an underground network of abandoned roads. Fascinating.
A guided tour with the local ranger in a woodland near Perth.
The highlight of the weekend was Frenzy. Great music from David Crowder, Leeland, Chris Tomlin etc. Big stage n big sound.