Thursday, 22 March 2007

It begins ........

.. and one giant IT steps for the Fyvies. Never would have thought that I'd be setting up our own website, but here I am. Thanks to my mate Al for inspiring me to go bloggular.

On Tuesday our HSMP permit thingy arrived. The envelope was opened with trembling hands, and there was much celebrating done when we saw the response was positive. G and I even did the "dance of joy" (remember Balkie from Perfect Strangers?). The poor domestic worker is now convinced we're nuts. Thanks to Ruth and Ash for assisting our celebrations with a bottle of bubbly. Anyway, we're now one step (visas) away from hoping onto a jumbo (or maybe an airbus A380 if we're lucky) and zooting off to the UK. Time frames are not fixed as yet but we're looking somewhere early/mid May. Which brings me to the purpose of this blog. Rather than bombarding friends and family with lengthy, attachment intensive email updates of where and what we've been up to, the plan is to let you update yourselves at your leisure.

And there it ends for now.....


Unknown said...

Hi Wal & G.
We're so glad everything went smoothly when you arrived in the UK - an answer to prayer indeed. The anticipated cold front has arrived with a vengence, and it is now raining & bitterly cold.
The house is so quiet now that you guys have left, & we're missing you already.

Nice to hear that you boys all got together at Alan & Chantal's place. Hope all goes well now as you start looking for jobs. We'll be praying for teh outcome!

Lotsa love

Mom & Dad. Sun 20 May.

Pamela Walker said...

Hi Gaylene and Walter
You had a superb trip then.
Trip would have been unaffordable in SA Rands. One NZ dollar buys 5.35 SA Rands and only .38 British pence!) Sure you will go back. We went to Zurich and Lake Lucerne years ago and found this an amazing experience.
Pamela Walker